354 West 45th Street
New York, New York 10036-3802

Fresh off the sands of Iraq, Cesar Rodriguez steps off a plane onto the tarmac and ends up on the Upper East Side. A dangerous confrontation, an unsuccessful hook-up, and an explosive order. How do you learn to forgive yourself when you thik it was your fault?

By Mando Alvarado
Directed by Michael Ray Escamilla
Produced by Allison Prouty

Company: Raul Abrego, Raul Castillo, Brian Grabowski, Gregg Fisher, Kate Fisher, Sari Kamin, Lisa Sauber, Tod Spicer, Reema Zaman

Limited Engagement
February 16th - March 4th

45 Street Theater 354 West 45 St.
(Between 8th and 9th Avenues)
Thursday - Saturday 8 PM

For tickets call TheaterMania
at 212-352-3101

Added by cloneofsnake on February 10, 2006

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