678 Mission St
San Francisco, California 94105

What comes to mind when you think of California? Beaches, the Gold Rush, freeways and road trips, cultural diversity, agricultural abundance, earthquakes...
See the full event listing at American Towns

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Nothing but a horror of the Family Court in San Francisco where my mother, my sisters and I were put through hell by a judge who didn't know what she was doing. At least I hope to God she didn't know what she was doing.
No one except my father has ever, ever accused me of any sort of crime, yet when he took a girlfriend, he turned against us all. He lied to the court, and asked for restraining orders for five years, even against his 12 year old daughter.
It ruined every other imprint that California, a state I used to love, had given me. The bay, the beach, Yosemite, the flowers in Berkeley gardens. It all has gone to hell. What horror at Polk and MacAllister, where children and mothers are deprived of their dignity, their happiness, their future job prospects, and their guns, though they never held one in their life! Though they were always afraid of guns violence. How can a young girl be forced to defend herself against her father, telling her she must give up her firearms? How can she be told to keep away from the father she tried to see?
How can a judge give a rich man, who wanted to avoid seeing his wife and kids, and didn't pay child support, restraining orders for five years to keep them away from him?

Oh yes California. Super state. Not.