216 union street
Seattle, Washington 98101

Harvest time has arrived to our little fishing village and it is time to reap the bounty of the diverse talent pool Seattle (and a little beyond) has to offer, a mash up of talent and collaborations as never seen before!!!

Hosted by Scotty The Blue Bunny (SF)


Mark Pickerel & His Praying Hands with The Shanghai Pearl, Belle Cozette, and Poppy Daze of the Aerialistas

The Basements- Kurt Bloch, Drew Church, Jim Sangster and Carmella, and El Vez ( will be doing a lap dance for the kid's so bring your $$$)

Waxie Moon

NANDA in a full half hour act

The Swedish Housewife with Michael Musburger in their duet "History of The Beat"

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=193681787473&ref=mf

Added by The Swedish Housewife on November 7, 2009