Harvard University Law School (just off of Mass Ave)
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Thursday, October 9, 6:00 PM
Austin East Classroom, Austin Hall, Harvard Law School
Free and open to the public, no RSVP required.

Now is a critical moment for defining and reinforcing the best features of our communications platforms. What do we value about the internet and what should be the focus of the next administration? This event will be a discussion exploring the Net’s benefits and its increasing vulnerabilities. How do we maintain the network we know, and anticipate the network it is becoming? What issues emerge in the era of "cloud computing" and the mobile internet? How do we ensure broadband for everyone? What can be done to promote open networks and open devices? Join us for a wide-ranging discussion with leaders from the legal, technical, and political fields.

* Jonathan Zittrain (Professor, Harvard Law School)
* Susan Crawford (Professor, University of Michigan Law School)
* Rich Miner (Mobile Platforms, Google; co-Founder of Android)
* Alec Ross (One Economy; Tech Policy Advisor to Barack Obama)

More details:

Facebook event:

Added by sjschultze on October 6, 2008



this looks interesting

-Buns and Chou Chou