28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016

Tuesday May 5, 2009, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. $10 Admission

The State of Analytical Psychology in South Africa

John Gosling, M.D., Psychiatrist and Jungian Analyst,
Southern African Association of Jungian Analysts

In this presentation, Dr. Gosling will briefly explore the archetypal role of the president and how this informs the collective. He will outline leadership under Presidents Mbeki and Motlanthe, and speculate about that under the future president, Jacob Zuma. He will compare and contrast this to the energy, enthusiasm and dawning of hope brought about by the election of President Obama.

He will briefly outline the path from oppression during the Apartheid years to democracy in 1994 outlining the role played by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that helped constellate reconciliation as opposed to revenge. However, as a nation, South Africans remain deeply wounded, a nation in need of healing. He will discuss the recent brutal xenophobic attacks as an example of how this woundedness manifests and indicate possible healing interventions.

He will conclude his talk by focusing on the positive aspects that have been achieved both in the country as a whole and in SAAJA over the past fourteen years, including contributions to the community by individual members. He will also pose the question of how what we as Jungian Analysts have to offer can be made more accessible to greater numbers of people.

Reserve your seat by calling the C.G. Jung Foundation at 212-697-6430.

Full descriptions of all programs can be found
on the Jung Foundation web site www.cgjungny.org.

All lectures will be held at the Jung Center, 28 East 39th St., New York City.

Official Website: http://www.cgjungny.org

Added by cgjungny on April 23, 2009

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