939 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02115

The Spring Standards (formerly Old Springs Pike) are an energetic force of three-part harmony circling over a rock n' roll sound with an old country aftertaste. From small towns to big cities, they explode on stage with spirit, spontaneity, and a style all their own. MTV's John Norris said, "They willingly embrace dissonance, and their execution is impeccable, from their tight, CSN-worthy vocal harmonies to their wickedly intense percussive power."

The Springs Standards are currently on their first national tour, and doing their best to keep a daily road blog: leadsledsaid.blogspot.com.

Official Website: http://www.berklee.edu/events/detail/3525/the-spring-standards-verb-the-adjective-noun

Added by A.Wright on April 23, 2009

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