1635 Se 7th Ave
Portland, Oregon 97214

It can be difficult to place The Shinkle Band in any one genre. A little country, rock, folk and even R & B, they seem to appeal to about any crowd. They have quickly earned praise as one of the best
Founded by Aaron and Byron Shinkle, the group has added new members along the way. The final product is a finely polished and entertaining brand of music not easily found anywhere. Beautiful 3 to 4 part harmonies go nicely over acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, mandolin, fiddle, banjo, and percussion.
Although they have made a selection of cover songs their own. They boast an impressive collection of originals which seem to be destined to be classics of their own. The group is currently celebrating the release of the debut CD recorded at the famous Dog Ear Studio in Nashville TN. The CD has recieved critical success, is distributed world wide and recieves consistent regional airplay.

Added by eastburn_scott on November 1, 2011

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