8 Stratton Road
Rutland, Vermont

Concrete, practical guidance for preparing successful grant proposals taught by Anne Lezak, one of the best! Participants will learn how to organize proposals, find and use pertinent facts and data, and make your proposal stand out in a crowd. We will discuss strategies to fully meet common grant application requirements, the importance of proposal appearance, how to get excellent letters of support, and what you need to know to search for grant opportunities. You will learn to avoid common errors that keep many proposals from getting funded. Participants are urged to come with actual proposal ideas; students will each complete a “proposal concept paper” or draft grant proposal by the end of the course. To register for this course, you must have strong writing skills, with the ability to write clearly and persuasively about topics that interest you. For more information about this and other non-credit educational opportunities available at Stafford Technical Center or through its online course partnership with Ed2go, please contact William Lucci at (802) 770-1032 or visit our website at www.staffordonline.org, or www.ed2go.com/stafford.

Added by Common Good Vermont on June 1, 2010