431 Main Street
Metuchen, New Jersey 08840

The first Sun of each month The Raconteur hosts a transatlantic jam session. The shop's session is concurrent with a very similar one occurring in Reading, England at a pub called The Retreat. Participants alternate, collaborate, and symphonize via a Google web cam. Web Cam Jam is more about the performers than the performance, but that doesn't mean you can't come in watch. Raconteur musicians sip coffee/tea and play in the rear of the shop. Retreat musicians quaff pints (morning here, Happy Hour there) and are projected onto a movie screen behind local performers. All instruments welcome. Expect a triple necked guitar, electronic bagpipes, a jaw harp, two kazoos, a beer bottle organ, and something called a fluba, which appears to be a tuba-sized fluegel horn.


If you watched the Oscars this year, you heard Best Actress winner Kate Winslet mention this very same pub and the pickling contest her mother recently won there. Indeed in February's Web Cam Jam, Kate's mom, Sally Winslet (now known as the Queen of Shallots), was in the foreground eating bangers. Seriously.

If you know someone who might be interested in the above event, please forward this notice.

431 Main Street
Metuchen, NJ 98849

Official Website: www.raconteurbooks.com

Added by raconteur bookshop on April 3, 2009