2300 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, California 94704

Barefoot Chamber Concerts continues its mission to help you start the weekend right. The series ("an enterprise noted for both its quality and informality" - San Francisco Classical Voice) presents really good music in the right acoustic and without the formality of most classical music events. Our concerts start at 6 on Fridays and last no more than 75 minutes. Kids are welcome if quiet, and admission under 18 is free. Light refreshments are available before, during, and after the concert. There will be ample time to move on to other evening entertainments.

Barefoot's first event of the 2011-2012 season will feature the West Coast's hot new period instrument string quartet, The Marteau Quartet: Adam LaMotte and Greg Ewer, violins; Hillary Schoap, viola; and Tanya Tomkins, cello.

The quartet will play an all-Schubert concert, including the celebrated quartet in D minor, "Death and the Maiden." In 1827, at the age of 27, Franz Schubert wrote this piece after a serious illness, and it has become a cornerstone of the repertoire ever since.

The Marteau Quartet, comprised of four musicians who play in both the period and modern styles, strives to recreate the sound aesthetic of romantic-era quartets. Embarking upon uncharted territory, the Marteau Quartet bridges the gap between historically-informed ensembles and so-called modern ensembles by playing romantic-era music on period instruments.

The program will be approximately 75 minutes with no intermission. The usual light refreshments will be available.

For more details, and to order tickets online, visit www.barefootchamberconcerts.com.

Official Website: http://barefootchamberconcerts.com

Added by FullCalendar on October 8, 2011

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