595 Market St, 2nd floor
San Francisco, California 94105

INFORUM and experts steer you through the issues surrounding habeas corpus

Vincent Warren, Executive Director, Center for Constitutional Rights
Peter Scheidegger, Legal Director, Criminal Justice Legal Foundation
Additional Panelists TBA
Don't know what the writ of habeas corpus is? Habeas corpus prevents the indefinite detainment of a prisoner without being charged or brought before a court. Defenders of the right say that suspending the writ of habeas corpus has historically been limited to "when the public safety may require it" and has only been done a handful of times in U.S. history. Can the United States effectively defend against terrorism without suspending habeas corpus? What does it take to protect our freedom? With the Supreme Court set to rule on Boumediene v. Bush and Al Odah v. U.S. (which concern habeas petitions of detainees at Guantanamo Bay), panelists will bring you a deeper understanding of these important issues.

Location: Club Office
Time: 6 p.m. check-in, 6:30 p.m. program, 7:30 p.m. wine and hors d'oeuvres reception/book signing |
Cost: $12 members, $20 non-members, $7 students (with valid ID)

Official Website: http://tickets.commonwealthclub.org/open.asp?show=695

Added by jbarbara on May 5, 2008



CommonWealth Called me and said this was cancelled