703 Foster St
Durham, North Carolina 27701

A kinky meditation on our consuming fear of physical and spiritual decay, the story follows a video artist who attempts to reclaim his former glory by making the ultimate transgressive artwork: a snuff film. Oh, and he's platonically dating Italian sex symbol, Claudia Cardinale, with whom he experiences overwhelming performance anxiety. Like we said: kinky.

Directed by Dana Marks
Featuring Chris Burner, Lenore Field, Jay O'Berski, Michael O'Foghludha, Lucius Robinson and Meredith Sause.
With original filmed material by Jim Haverkamp.
Lighting Design by Steve Tell.
Postcard photography and design by Jason Arrol.

Thus-Sat September 17-19, Wed-Sat September 23-26 at 8:15pm
Sun September 20 matinee at 3:15pm.

Special Pay-What-You-Will performance Thursday the 17th ($5 minimum)
$17 for all other shows.
Student rush is $8 (starting at 7pm the day of each performance)
For reservations, visit www.manbitesdogtheater.org
or call the Manbites Dog Theater Box Office at (919) 682-3343

Added by kdmark2003 on September 20, 2009

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