Fort Mason Center, Building C, Room 255
San Francisco, California 94123

California Lawyers for the Arts presents:

The Ins and Outs of Today's Music Industry

Digital downloads, ring-tones, I-Tunes, MySpace, YouTube,
the Blogosphere, Sirius/XM radio, Sound Exchange, market
convergence, major label joint-venturing… A lot has changed
about the music industry over the last 5 years. Learn why
many experts predict that the next 5 years will be one of great
opportunity for independent music entrepreneurs trying to
break into the business. Come get your questions answered at
this “tell-all” workshop all about the “new” music industry.

Speaker: Jon Duman, Esq.

To register, call (415) 775-7200 ext. 107 or email [email protected].

Workshop fees are $10 for members of California Lawyers for the Arts, $20 general admission.

Added by calawyersforthearts on July 10, 2007