12 Union Street
South Weymouth, Massachusetts 02189

In this two day training you will learn how sound and music effects the cells in the body and your brain. Research demonnstrating the positive effect of vibrating sound into the body's structure will be presented. Experiential training on the Cymatron Sound Table with tuning forks will be presented and each student will give and receive a session. For more information check out the website www.certificationinyoga.com

Contact Maureen Spencer, RN for a registration form at 781 878-0115

This is the required workshop for those interested in using this cutting edge technology in a private healing practice. Additional certification requirements will be reviewed during the training.

Faculty include Maureen Spencer, RN,M.Ed. and Christine Naoum-Heffernan, RN - Certifed Cymatron Facilitators and Reiki Master/Teachers

Official Website: http://www.cymatronsoundhealing.com

Added by Findingpeace on October 9, 2008

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