15406 N Maricopa Rd
Maricopa, Arizona 85239

The Flamingos starring Terry Johnson are back by popular demand at this hotspot. Catch one or both shows, at 1 PM and 3 PM - including all your Flamingo favorites like "I Only Have Eyes for You", "Lovers Never Say Goodbye", "Mio Amore", "Nobody Loves Me Like You" and more! Terry will also share the stories and music of his career at Motown including the music of The Four Tops, The Temptations, Smokey Robinson & The Miracles and Martha & The Vandellas. Don't miss this great event.

Official Website: http://www.harrahsakchin.com/EventsDetail.do?locationCode=AKC&detailName=terry-johnsons-flamingos-detail&eventTitle=Terry%20Johnson's%20Flamingos

Added by joyngrdayz on January 12, 2011

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