1601 Civic Dr
Walnut Creek, California 94596

The Dutch Impressionists: Selections from the Beekhuis Collection The early 20th century was a tremendous period of artistic creativity and productivity in the Netherlands. Back by popular demand, we revisit the extraordinary collection of Dr. Jan and Mrs. Mary Ann Beekhuis. The paintings range in style and subject matter from muted palette Hague School interiors, landscapes and rural life depictions to the brighter colored works of the so-called "Amsterdam Impressionists" and images of urban life and work. Featured artists inlcude Johan Hendrik Mastenbrock, Jan Simon Knikker, Sr., Reiner Sybrand Bakels, Martin van Waning, and Jan Rijlaarsdam.Theme of tour: Explore the use of light, color, and different painting techniques that evoke nature's moods.Art Project: Learn about impressionist brush strokes and paint Dutch subject matter including big skies, landscape, portraiture, or farm animals.Cost: General admission is $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for youth ages 13-17, free for children 12 and under.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 23, 2010