895 W Main St
Silverton, Oregon 97381

Join Tim Cramer, Head Gardener at Oregon Garden Resort on September 24th for a talk and walk to discover the dirt on soil.

Tim will discuss blending the physical properties of soil, biological components, weeds/pests/diseases and soil improvement into a coherent whole. He will talk about how biology, chemistry, climate and people all need to be in balance; that each has an effect on the others.

This package includes the Talk and Walk, a Guestroom with a private patio and fireplace, dinner at Oregon Garden Resort Restaurant for one night of your stay - An entree of your choice from our menu for each person listed on your room reservation, plus one bottle of House wine, admission to The Oregon Garden and full American buffet breakfast.

Official Website: http://www.moonstonehotels.com/Soil-Workshop.htm