291 3rd Ave
Chula Vista, California 91910

The play is set in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, in the womblike cub room of the club of the title, as the comedy follows a year in the lives of six insular friends (and one outsider) through a series of holiday-themed parties where drinks are bolted and truths are spewed. The plot finds Soos, young, witty, and charmingly neurotic, who retreats from a failed marriage to her upper-class hometown. As party after party unfolds, the getaway weekend gives way to a year, and ultimately the rest of her life. Brittle conversation is bandied about and Soos is reunited with her college sweetheart, Zip. She also returns to her circle of old friends: the highly strung party planner Froggy, the wry and sarcastic Pooker, and eternal party boy Hutch. However, cracks soon begin to show in the veneer. Lives are casually destroyed, lives go on, and through it all, tragedies are discussed without being mentioned.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 9, 2010