774 High St
Candia, New Hampshire 03034

Spend a day at the farm as we celebrate the mighty pumpkin.

Bring the whole family and join in all the festivities. The kids will love our new Funny Farm bounce house plus our new Pumpkin Festival games.

We’ll have sack races, pumpkin spoon races and a pumpkin-rolling contest. Test your skills at our new Cow Milking Contest and try your hand at the Cow Pie Fly! You can even win a prize! Be part of a team and see if you can “Out Pull The Oxen” or enter your family in the “Round Bale Roll Challenge,” it’s a contest to see if your family can roll a bale of hay around an obstacle course.

Enjoy live music, Face Painting, Pumpkin Art (you can decorate your pumpkin), Tractor Train Rides, Horse Drawn Hay Rides to Carlton’s Hay Maze and Pony Rides.

Official Website: http://www.visitthefarm.com/pumpkin.php

Added by John Pyteraf on September 7, 2011

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