144 West 14th Street
New York City, New York 10011

Join Sean Lahey, Creative Director, and Alan Foreman, freelance animator/director who will walk you through the art and business of animation: from concept through to completion. Listen and learn from these two masters of animation explain both developing concepts and execution. Both talks in this presentation will highlight insider tips and techniques.

Sean starts with the basics of concept development, and then Alan explains how it all gets produced. Together they both bring years of creative design and production experience. They will cover the Principles of Animation; Generic Walk; Personality Walks; Quadruped Walks; Runs; Jumps; Weight; Arcs; Anticipation & Overlapping Action; Eyes; Flexibility and Fluidity; Essential Dialogue. During each of their talks they will both show and discuss clips of their work.

This event is brought to you by the Graphic Artists Guild New York Chapter. The Graphic Artists Guild is committed to improving working conditions for all creators of visual art and raising standards for the entire creative industry. The Guild embraces graphic artists at all skill levels. For more information about the Guild, please visit www.grapghicartistsguild.org

Added by Graphic Artists Guild of NY on November 15, 2011