720 Norhern Blvd
Brookville, New York 11548

Fringe Force 3 - 2011 Long Island Fringe Festival will be hosted by the School of Visual and Performing Arts at C.W.Post College. There are some fabulous facilities to use for movies, dance, theater and music on the Brookville Campus. Long Island University as well as Long Island itself, have long been the birth place of some of America’s most talented people and so it somehow seems appropriate that the birthplace of a fringe festival would be so close to home. The Long Island Fringe Festival will present Operation Fringe Force 3 on September 9, 10, 11, 2011. It is the best kept secret on Long Island – until now.

Official Website: http://longislandfringefestival.weebly.com/

Added by Pandadollbaby on June 14, 2011

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