3209 N. Halsted
Chicago, Illinois 60657

It's here. It's finally here.

Summer in Chicago. That magical season when we emerge pale-skinned and blinking into a sea of glorious road construction and tourist trade...and wonderful, enveloping, shoulder-baring, sandal-wearing summer HEAT.

And the Belmont Bombshells are loving it. All day we lounge about languidly in our lightest lingerie. We spritz ourselves with misters, fan ourselves with feathers, and generously help one another apply sunscreen from head to toe (making sure to get EVERY inch--in our line of work, one MUSTN'T acquire an unsightly burn!)

Of course, all of this happens in the heat of the day. The second the last sliver of sun slides below the horizon, your Belmont Bombshells bounce back to their feet and begin to boisterously bump and grind.

So join us this June 28th at Midnight for a glimpse into the sultry summer world of the Belmont Bombshells. We're a sundae of saucy summer sexiness (with a cherry perched pertly on top)!


WHEN: Saturday, June 28th, at MIDNIGHT!

WHERE: The Playground Theater, at 3209 N. Halsted.

HOW MUCH: Only $10 measly smackeroos!

IS THERE PARKING?: Only for the exceptionally persistent. We suggest taking the Red or Brown line to the Belmont stop--we're only a 2 block walk from there!

I LIKE BEERS: Our theater is BYOB--are you over 21? Inebriate away!

RESERVATIONS? Why yes! http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/15437

I LIKE TO KILL TIME INSTEAD OF DOING WORK: That's why we have a website. Stop by www.belmontburlesque.com!

Well, we have to get back to rubbing ourselves down with ice cubes. But we do look so forward to seeing y'all at the show!

Official Website: http://www.belmontburlesque.com

Added by BelmontBurlesque on January 14, 2008