401 Van Ness Ave
San Francisco, California 94102

Kung Pao Kosher Comedy Presents...
The 10th Anniversary of Funny Girlz: A Smorgasbord of Women Comedians

The Herbst Theatre
401 Van Ness Ave. @ McAllister
San Francisco

Saturday, May 10 @ 8pm

Phranc headlines this day before Mother's Day comedy show that benefits The Bay Area Women's and Children's Center.

Funny Girlz features a diverse line-up of internationally, nationally, and locally known funny female comedians and humorists -- British/Nigerian, African American, Asian American, Jewish, lesbian, straight, a drag queen... Producer Lisa Geduldig created Funny Girlz to give women comedians stage time and to celebrate and showcase the plethora of funny women on the comedy circuit.

This year's show features:
Phranc, Diane Amos, Gina Yashere, Samantha Chanse, Matthew "Peggy Lee"
Martin, and Lisa Geduldig

$25- $40
City Box Office: (415) 392-4400 - http://www.cityboxoffice.com


The Bay Area Women's and Children's Center

Official Website: http://www.koshercomedy.com

Added by lisag on April 2, 2008

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