229 19th Avenue S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

Teaching Rebellion is a compilation of testimonies from longtime organizers, teachers, students, housewives, religious leaders and others who participated in what became the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca. The book tour aims to foster dialogue among activists from Oaxaca and the U.S. around organizing strategies and movement-building utilizing the experience of Oaxacan organizers, who brought together labor, indigenous, women's, youth, and neighborhood organizations to build a powerful movement for democracy and accountability.

Gustavo Vilchis, a native of neighboring state of Guerrero arrived in Oaxaca as an independent photographer, seeking to cover the people's resistance and provide coverage alternative to that offered by the commercial media. He has collaborated extensively with the Mexican League of Human Rights. Melissa Mundt has worked with indigenous communities on sustainable development issues and works for the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project providing legal services to detained immigrants in Arizona.

Organized in part by the Mexico-Minnesota Dialogue: Past, Present, Future Collaborative.

Official Website: http://www.casacollective.org

Added by UMN Institute for Advanced Study on October 29, 2008