610 Woodmere Ave.
Traverse City, Michigan 49684

We will be rotating through all the games we currently own, and welcome you to bring one to share. The library has both WIIs and Game Cubes. The more people can play the game and the higher the fun factor, the more likely it will be acceptable.

Remember, this program is for all ages. If you bring a game it can not be rated any higher than teen and should not have gratuitous violence. TADL BATL committee members and Library staff will decide whether or not your game can be played based on the nature of the game, how old the people in the room are, and if there is a game console available.
We have:
* Guitar Hero
* Super Smash Bros.
* Mario Kart
* Madden
* Custom Robo
Bring your DS with Mario Kart or Pokemon and link up with other gamers!

Official Website: http://batl.tadl.org

Added by LindaSmith on August 18, 2009

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