801 Panoramic Hwy
Mill Valley, California 94941

Trailhead: Rock Spring. Easy--Slower paced hike 2 to 5 miles with under a 1000', elevation gain. For beginning hikers, senior hikers, and in-betweeners. Please note all hikes are led by MTIA (Mt. Tamalpais Interpretive Association) volunteer hike leaders. Due to traffic conditions the morning of the hike, or a last minute illness of the hike leader, hikes can be canceled at the last minute. All hikes are scheduled to begin at 9:30 am. Call 415-258-2410 to hear our taped message about upcoming hikes. Due to a last minute illness of a Hike Leader, or due to unpredictable road or traffic conditions, or not being able to find a replacement Leader, a Hike Leader may not be able to make it to the hike. In that case, hikers are advised to seek information at Pantoll Kiosk.

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