1199 9th Ave
San Francisco, California 94122

San Francisco Botanical Garden Society invites gardeners, garden lovers and families alike to the Summer Gardening Fair. This annual community event is full of fun activities for the whole family. Kids will love the fair where they can get up close and personal with a large hawk, butterflies, and visually explore the inside of a live beehive. Families will also be able to watch weavers spin wool and create magnificent cloths. For the gardeners of the family, this fair provides a wonderful opportunity to learn more about plants and gardening from representatives of local horticultural and conservation organizations. They will also be able to get tips from local experts, marvel at home-grown African violets and begonias, and meet other gardeners. Special plants, gardening material and new and used books will be sold.

Added by sanfranciscobotanicalgarden on June 29, 2010