8537 Greenwood Ave N, Suite 1, Studio D
Seattle, Washington 98103

Showing from May 13 – June 3
Opening Receptions: Fri, May 13 from 6-10pm
Sat, May 14 from 12-5pm
Bherd Studios Gallery presents the contemporary works of Seattle artists Greg Boudreau, Kate Protage and Kellie Talbot whose work explores the urban landscapes throughout the Seattle area and beyond. Each artist uses photography as the starting point to their paintings, but come to a very different conclusion with their finished pieces. Talbot’s work deftly captures and documents the lost craftsmanship of American artifacts and signage and meticulously replicates the deterioration and faded glory of past times. Boudreau utilizes an excruciatingly long process of photographing and separating out the multiple layers of his photographs and hand cuts each of them into a stencil, using aerosols to recreate the scene. While Protage takes the best pieces of her photographs, melds them together and uses them to create evening cityscapes that give the viewer a hauntingly familiar feel.

Each artist has exhibited nationally and they are currently being shown on a regular basis in and around the Seattle area. The opening receptions are held in conjunction with the 16th Annual Art Walk in Greenwood-Phinney and the exhibit will be on display through Friday, June 3.

Official Website: http://www.bherdstudios.com

Added by Bherd Studios on April 20, 2011

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