361 Metropolitan Ave
Brooklyn, New York 11211

>>> For info on this show click: http://www.knittingfactory.com/show.php?event_id=109794
>>> To get tickets through TicketWeb click: http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&pl=&eventId=223168
>>> To get tix via text, text message: STRIKE to 467467

In 1999, five guys got together in Richmond, Virginia, to form strike anywhere. seven short years later the same five guys still form Strike Anywhere on stages all over the world about 6 months out of any given year - the rest of the time we indulge in relaxing at home, loving our loved ones, and the odd job.

Official Website: http://www.knittingfactory.com/show.php?event_id=109794

Added by Knitting Factory Brooklyn on December 4, 2007