372 Danforth Ave
Toronto, Ontario

Monday April 2, 7:30pm
Grassroots-Riverdale, 372 Danforth Avenue at Chester Ave.
$10 ($5 for students/seniors/unemployed)
Pre-registration and payment is necessary to reserve a space.
Please call Grassroots at 416-466-2841 or register at either Grassroots

Straw bale building speaks to a part of us that insists we should be able to build our own homes with our own hands. Straw bale houses can be easy and affordable to build, super energy efficient, environmentally friendly, attractive, and can be designed to match the builder's personal space needs, aesthetics and budget. In this workshop, Ben will go through the basics of straw bale building, from building codes to personalized design to the group building process.

Ben Polley has owned and operated Harvest Homes ( www.HarvestHomes.ca http://www.harvesthomes.ca/) since 2000. Since its inception, Harvest Homes has worked on over 20 straw bale homes, a hotel, summer homes, offices and commercial buildings in Canada and Central America. Ben is an advocate for the straw bale building movement, educating self-builders and construction industry professionals through seminars and hands-on workshops. He is Advisor and Instructor for Seventh Generation Community Projects, Everdale Environmental Learning Centre, and Pangea Partnership, the Ottawa-based NGO, which operates primarily in Nicaragua. As well, Ben is advisor to both Seventh Generation Community Projects and Everdale Environmental Learning Centre.

This workshop has been incredibly popular in the past, so register early! The cost for this workshop is $10 ($5 for students/seniors/unemployed). Attendance is limited to 20 people. Please pre-pay and register at either Grassroots location or call 416-944-1993. For further information about Bens' work see www.harvesthomes.ca.

Official Website: http://www.harvesthomes.ca/

Added by thegreenpages on March 24, 2007