2201 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, California 94704

Friday, March 30 - Steven Hockensmith
7:00 PM at Cody's Fourth Street in Berkeley

STEVEN HOCKENSMITH talks about ON THE WRONG TRACK. Steve Hockensmith's debut, Holmes on the Range, introduced readers to the first novel-length adventure of the deducifyin' cowboy team of Gustav and Otto Armlingmeyer - nicknamed Old Red and Big Red, respectively. In this delightful follow-up, the Amlingmeyers have left the dusty trails behind and board the famed Southern Pacific Railroad as detectives, hoping to protect the train from a recent spate of robberies. ON THE TRACK begins with a jolt and doesn't slow down. While Old red is suffering from train-sickness, Big Red suddenly sees something that makes him feel like vomiting - a severed head rolling out from underneath the train. The brothers embark on a quest to use Holmes-ian logic to figure out who the head belongs to and how he was killed with seemingly no one noticing. Of course the train is filled with a cast of quirky characters, and of course secrets abound. After a run-in with the famous train robbers known as the "Give 'Em Hell Boys", it becomes obvious one passenger is in cahoots with the train robbers...and most likely a murderer as well. Sherlockians, western fans, mystery lovers - this one's for you! Steve Hockensmith is an entertainment journalist who has written for numerous publications; he was the editor in chief of Cinescape. He writes a monthly column for Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine called Reel Crime and stories featuring Big Red and Old Red appear from time to time in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. 7:00 PM at Cody's Fourth Street, Berkeley

Official Website: http://www.codysbooks.com/calendar/mar07Calendar.jsp

Added by codysbooks on March 9, 2007