220 W. Chicago Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60610

This evening will show you the best of Step Up and how we connect you to the professional women you need and under-served teen girls who need you.

The evening features an inspiring keynote address by an influential female community and business leader (TBA), networking with dynamic women from a cross-section of industries, and speakers and interactive lounges highlighting how Step Up helps you advance in your career and get involved in your community.
Don’t miss Kohler Waters spa interactive lounge featuring luxury spa products and treatments!

Finally, what gal could turn down a private cocktail reception with sips and snacks featuring local Chicago fare?

The ticket price is economically friendly:
$35 for non-members, $20 for Step Up Insider, Influencer, Icon, and Visionary members, and complimentary for Luminary Circle members.

Also, for those women who join, renew or upgrade your Step Up membership beginning September 29th, receive a fabulous gift bag full of chic goodies!
This event is sponsored by Kohler Waters Spa and our Media partner: Elle Magazine.

Added by SUWN on October 15, 2010

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