101 - 3 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta

Scientists agree that we must significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to prevent serious disruption to our planet's climate.
Our approach as a province must be robust and sensible, effective and focused, coordinating government, communities, and citizens to build a vigorous clean energy economy.
To achieve this goal, Alberta will require strong and creative LEADERSHIP.
Step It Up Alberta has planned a rally for January 26th, 2008 to call for decisive action against climate change from Alberta's leaders.

Join us at Eau Claire Market from 1 - 3 p.m. for a panel of Alberta politicians and guest speakers.
More details to follow.

Official Website: http://www.stepitupalberta.ca/

Added by nina562 on December 27, 2007



I support this rally and have promoted it elsewhere for this group, inc.:
- Alberta Environmental Network
- thegreenpages.ca
- planetfriendly.net
- mec.ca
- craigslist.org
- eventsetter.com
- peoplefield.org
- meetup.com groups
- groups.yahoo.com groups
- citytv.com
- buysell.com
- calgaryherald.com green guide
- Neighbours, FFWD, Gauntlet, Calgary Sun


THANKS you guys for putting this up!


FFWD & Neighbours will need to be submitted more than once - did you want to follow up with that?

you could also record your own PSA to be aired on CBC and I can show you how
