1100 Santa Cruz Ave
Menlo Park, California 94025

This marriage enrichment program is designed to help married couples’ develop communication skills through empathy, acceptance, and authenticity.
Developed from Dr. John Gottman’s research, this workshop will help couples identify the 5 factors that lead to a healthy marriage as well as the 5 factors that are warning signs of an unstable marriage.
With divorce rates at 50%, we understand that the human family is in crisis and couples face the most severe challenges to relationship stability ever.
Research shows that on average, couples wait six years from the first signs of problems before they seek help. We believe that through this type of marriage education workshop we can help people sooner, repair troubled families, and help all couples and families remain strong and healthy.
That is why it is our mission to reach out to families in order to help create and maintain greater love and health in relationships. Workshop facilitated by Chris and Vickie Lyford of Stellar Marriage Relationships

Official Website: http://www.straymondsparish.org

Added by St Raymond Parish Menlo Park on April 23, 2010