250 Brannan St. #100
San Francisco, California 94017

*Buy your tickets here: http://startuppr.eventbrite.com/**

Reporters from Forbes, Mashable, Huffington Post, BusinessWeek, Adotas, Bub.blicio.us, and more will be presenting.

Startup PR Summit 2010 is a unique and rare opportunity for startups to learn from accredited members of the national, local, and technology press about PR.

Startups often don't know where to start when it comes to pitching the press on stories. In this one day summit, we will cover the following topics:

* How and when to pitch the press
* How to tell your story
* How to do an interview
* Common mistakes made when pitching the press
* Talking to Press versus Bloggers
* Talking to Tech Media (Mashable, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, etc.)
* National press (mainstream media): Financial Times, Forbes, etc.
* Local press: CBS5
* PR on a Budget
* Debate: Should I hire a PR firm?

Speakers include:

* Kym McNicholas - Anchor/Reporter at Forbes
* Ben Parr - Co-editor at Mashable
* Marissa Louie - Contributor at Huffington Post, BusinessWeek, Adotas
* More to be announced

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=152158654814794&ref=mf

Added by malouie on September 17, 2010



I think Silicon Valley could use a little help from our friends in the press...We'll be adding 10 or more speakers from the media in the next week or so.

Interested 1