6601 Uptown Blvd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110

UPDATE!! Recap of this event is now available and includes video, slide deck and photos: http://www.ablognotlimited.com/articles/webuquerque-standards-accessibility-with-dreamweaver/


Adobe's Dreamweaver CS4 is a powerful WYSIWYG editor for developing and designing web sites. But it is important to know how to best utilize Dreamweaver so that your sites are standards-compliant and accessible.

Join Virginia DeBolt and Emily Lewis as they discuss the principles of web standards and accessibility, and demonstrate how to use Dreamweaver to achieve both. You will learn:

* About Dreamweaver's CSS-based templates, which have been tested across all major browsers
* About Device Central for testing and previewing your sites in moble browsers
* How to create accessible forms
* About the importance of semantic markup and how to overwrite generated markup that isn't semantic
* How to use the CSS panel for custom CSS rules
* What Dreamweaver preferences you can set to support accessibility
* How to validate your markup and CSS for different platforms
* And more!

Presentation to be followed by socializing at Uptown for those folks who want to stick around.


Virginia DeBolt was the writer for the latest edition of Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Classroom in a Book. She wrote some new lessons and revised some of the previous lessons for the book. She is also the author of Mastering Integrated HTML and CSS.

She blogs at http://www.webteacher.ws/ and http://first50.wordpress.com/. Virginia writes about social media and technology for BlogHer at http://blogher.com/blog/virginia-debolt. She is the Internet Expert for eHow at http://www.ehow.com/members/Veesites.html, where she writes how-to articles on Internet topics.

Virginia can be found on Twitter at http://twitter.com/vdebolt.

Emily Lewis has over 10 years of experience working as a web professional. Currently, she is the front-end developer/web designer for Pitney Bowes Business Insight, where she develops and maintains public sites, intranets, electronic newsletters and emails for marketing campaigns.

During the tenure of her web career, she has also worked as a back-end developer using ASP and ColdFusion, as well as a project manager for custom web applications. She specializes in semantic XHTML and CSS, accessibility and usability.

Emily writes about web design (and other topics) at http://www.ablognotlimited.com, and is currently writing a book about microformats. She can be found on Twitter at http://twitter.com/emilylewis.

Added by emilylewis on March 30, 2009