Hope St, Liverpool, L1 9BP
Liverpool, England

Spooky Men’s Chorale
Thursday 25 August 2011 7:30 pm
Liverpool Philharmonic Hall

This event goes on general sale from 10am Thursday 24 March.

Tickets £16, £21

Based in the Blue Mountains in New South Wales, Australia the Spooky Men's Chorale is a black-clad behemoth, seemingly capable of rendering audiences moist eyed with appreciation or grinning with merriment. With grand foolishness the Spooky Men seek to commentate on the absurdity and grandeur of the modern male armed only with their voices, a sly collection of hats and a staggering diversity of facial hair. It is unclear what is more dangerous to your general equilibrium, missing them, or not.

Official Website: http://crd.fm/81

Added by Liverpool Philharmonic on March 22, 2011