409 E. Campbell Ave, Suite 220
Campbell, California

Join world flutist Ann Licater and Soul Tones’ Kathleen Farrell for a relaxing 90 minutes of tranquil, transformative and healing music. The sound vibrations created by these contemporary replicas of ancient wood and clay flutes and crystal and Tibetan bowls help facilitate a peaceful mind, relaxed body and expanded spirit. The multi-dimensional sounds are great for journaling, too. This soothing music meditation can leave you with a fresh perspective that is both calming and rejuvenating. CDs will be available for sale after the concert downstairs at Moonfyre Metaphysical.
About the Artists:
ANN LICATER is an international recording artist, “Flute for the Soul” workshop facilitator, and world flutist from the San Francisco Bay area. Ann plays Native American wood and clay flutes to facilitate meditation and relaxation. She is a frequent performer in wellness and spiritual centers. Her discography includes Doorway to a Dream (Amazon Best Music of 2010- Top Ten New Age Albums), Following The Call (Best Native American Album nominee NAR 2007), and a digital release of “Amazing Grace” in duet with Jeff Oster (2009). For information on how to connect with Ann, please visit her Cul de Sac Mystic Productions at www.annlicater.com. KATHLEEN FARRELL:
Kathleen Farrell has been involved in the Healing Arts for over 20 years. Using sound vibration to balance the body & spirit, she creates instantaneous & profound transformation, relaxation and relief. Her use of Tibetan and Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, along with a 40”gong, has brought enjoyment and rejuvenation to many. She is a Master Reiki teacher and studied Chinese Energetics with a 33rd generation Shaolin priest. She is clairvoyant clairaudient, and clairsentient, and utilizes these gifts to create forgiveness, release and peace for clients in their lives. Along with a full time private healing practice, she performs regularly around the Bay Area with her husband Chuck Cunningham as Soul Tones www.infinityenergetics.com

When: April 2, 2011
Time: 7:30pm
Where: The Enlightened Mind 409 E Campbell Ave, Campbell, Ca 95008
Cost: $20 in advance/$25 at the door - Please call Moonfyre Metaphysical at 408-370-0333 to reserve your tickets or come by the store at 401 E Campbell Ave, Campbell, Ca 95008, 408-370-0333. PLEASE CALL ASAP TO RESERVE YOUR TICKET. ONLY 50 TICKETS AVAIL.

Added by MoonfyreMetaphysical on March 16, 2011


Flute Events

Looking forward to a beautiful and relaxing evening of music.