3, Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi, Delhi 110001

Finally the day has come and we from Sound Tamasha - together with our partners Max Mueller Bhavan, Freizeitglauben, Fever 104 FM, Berlin Music Commission, Bacardi, Gorbatschow, Jagpin Breweries, Aqua and Park Hotel - will celebrate the release of our 'Sound Tamasha - Spectaculicious House (Creative Commons Only)' compilation on the 16th October 2010 from 6pm to 10.30pm at Goethe Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan. After the party ha...s ended, we will all move on to the amazing after show party at Aqua (Park Hotel) which will start at 10.30pm and continue at least until 2am.

The Line Up for both parties is:

André Gardeja (Freizeitglauben / Berlin)
Nils Ohrmann (Hula Hoop / Berlin)
B.L.O.T. (Qilla Records / New Delhi)
Vipul Angirish (Wind Horse Records / New Delhi)
Visuals: Thiruda (B.L.O.T) and Yo Sato.
(see www.sound-tamasha.com/pages/artists.html for information, music and videos of all the artists!)

As you can see, the Sound Tamasha family invites you to celebrate a whole day with us and create a true Tamasha that integrates the audience into the performance. Bring along your friends and enjoy the music and visual arts brought to you by your favorite artists. Prepare your dancing outfits, polish your shoes and look ahead to an unforgettable Saturday. Keep the date free and make sure you reach there early to enjoy all performances.

Oh, and thanks to our partners we made sure that drinks at Max Mueller Bhavan will be available for very modest rates! And, as always, no entry fees, cover charge or the like!

Let’s make Tamasha!

Official Website: http://www.sound-tamasha.com/

Added by Culture Must on October 11, 2010

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