509 Forest Ave
Portland, Maine 04102

Sound Healing Meditation Circle

Hear, feel and express sound and move into high vibration!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Awake Collective, 542 Forest Ave, Portland, Maine

Ground, center and cleanse, and send your voice to the ether! Enhance your awareness of vibrations present within and all around in a Sound Healing Meditation Circle which will use sounding tools, such as, vocal toning and chant as we surrender in peace with an evening of Singing Bowls, Voice and other sound remedies. Walk away with sounding tools that can be used in daily situations wherever and whenever needed and increase your awareness to environmental frequencies that create vibrational shifts in your body, mind and emotions.

Register and more information:

(207) 749-8649

[email protected]

Added by K Coombs on September 13, 2011

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