158 Brighton Ave.
Allston, Massachusetts

After the success of the Dirty Dozen proved that New Orleans marching band music could be experimental and contemporary, the floodgates were opened for a new wave of brass music. The Soul Rebels are the most exciting of a young generation of marching bands that pound home rhythms ranging as far afield as reggae and hip-hop. Rapping, soul-shouting, and blasting out an assault of what is, in the truest possible way, heavy metal, the Soul Rebels play a music that is not exactly jazz, not exactly r&b, but unquestionably the hottest dance sound around. As long cars cruise the back of town, their windows rolled down, the Soul Rebels' hip, angry street sound blasts from the tapedecks that anywhere else would be playing the latest LA gangsta rap.

Added by promo@harpersferryboston. on February 2, 2006