5441 SE Belmont St
Portland, Oregon 97215

Sax and clarinet students of Meg Grace (Grace Notes Music Studio) perform at TaborSpace! Come, get a cup of coffee and enjoy these talented musicians!

Official Website: http://meggrace.com

Added by TaborSpace on April 14, 2010



Fuck Yeah!


RJD2 and IMEEM remix the concept of the remix.

World-renowned musician/producer RJD2 and IMEEM, the leading online community for social media, have teamed up to present the PRE-mix, a unique opportunity for fans and music enthusiasts alike to work with the individual tracks that RJD2 uses on his song “Sweet Piece” off the forthcoming album XL Recordings release, The Third Hand (March 6, 2007).

Immediately available for download on IMEEM (http://rjd2premix.imeem.com/) are the .wav files and .snd files that comprise “Sweet Piece”. Rather than just uploading audio loops, RJD2 deconstructs each sample into single notes, as he explains, “Somebody brought up the idea of doing one of these re-mix things for a song, where you have all the parts of a song and you can move them around or whatever. These are cool, but where I always thought they failed was in the fact that all the parts would be broken down just as loops. This makes it hard to really get away from the basic vibe of the original song, for a few reasons. So I was thinking about how this could be improved upon, and realized there was an opportunity here. So now, you get to mess with these, you can see how somebody else would do with the same batch. When the record comes out you can see how it got put together and where it came from. Who knows; maybe all these versions are gonna sound the same. Maybe not. I hope not. I hope there’s a crunk version, a house version, a premiered out version, whatever." IMEEM’s unique online capabilities allow participants to upload their versions of “Sweet Piece” to share with each other and the rest of the world. All posts are embeddable making their creations readily available to “post” on their personal sites or where ever they choose.

RJD2 Pre-mix group: http://rjd2premix.imeem.com/ - Check it out!