Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane
Bristol, England

N.b. For Teaching Staff in UK HE Institutions only

Location: The Octagon, University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus, Bristol

The aim of the event is to provide a forum to enable sharing of experiences and innovation in this area and to build links with colleagues at other universities.

Social media tools such as blogs, wikis, social networking forums, interactive web applications and 3D virtual worlds offer an exciting potential for exploring different ways to engage students with subject content and develop active learning communities. Collaborative learning afforded by these tools enables sharing of different perspectives and a more participatory and constructivist approach to education.

In addition to speakers, there will be an opportunity for participants to offer and receive advice on how to develop applications in their own teaching, as well as get hands-on experience with some of the technologies.

Official Website:

Added by Paul DM on November 13, 2008