Scarsdale Place, Kensington
London, U.K., England W8 5SR

Social media’s potential as a tool to raise awareness in healthcare issues has become a ‘hot’ topic for pharmaceutical communications over the past 12 months; the abundance of ‘patient-to-physician’ and ‘physician-to-physician’ websites means that information on healthcare issues is now more accessible than ever before. But how can the pharmaceutical industry address the matter?

Through the use of case studies and interactive presentations, this Masterclass will provide delegates with a comprehensive understanding of where we have come from, where we are and where we are headed as far as the pharmaceutical industry’s engagement in digital communication is concerned.

Delegates can expect to consider how their organisation’s use of social media can be aligned with the way end-users interact with healthcare conversations online and how their choice of tools, channels and messages needs to be tailored to particular target demographics.

Benefits of attending:

• Investigate the state of the regulatory framework across the world and gain an insight into what directions the regulations are headed and how this may affect your online programmes
• Explore the current state of healthcare communications and dialogues online: who is talking to whom? Why? How? Discover when and how your organization can best be part of that conversation
• Engage, through Skype, with some of the leading lights in pharmaceutical communications - get the inside track on what works and what doesn’t
• Evaluate the potential value of digital communication to your campaign with our interactive tour through the metrics of real campaigns and the online communities where people congregate to discuss healthcare
• Define an online-engagement strategy that meets with the needs of your customer
• Gain valuable CPD points through attendance

Join industry professionals at SMi's CPD accredited Social Media: Our Past, Present and the Future of Digital Health Online masterclass on 4th July 2011, Central London, UK. For further information and the opportunity to register, please visit the website.

Contact Details:

Mo Saffaf
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7827 6022
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7827 6023

Added by Vinh Trinh on May 31, 2011

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