1 Fort Mason
San Francisco, California 94123

Join hundreds of other like-minded individuals and organizations focused on accelerating the flow of capital to good.

Big Change is Coming

Doing well and doing good is the mantra of a new generation of entrepreneurs and the organizations that invest in them. And Social Capital Markets 2008 (SoCap08) is a new event designed to bring together all of the people and organizations with a similar deep passion to change the world through sustainable businesses.

We're at the cusp of a massive sea-change in the ways that businesses can impact global and local problems. In the past, startup profit-motivated businesses were funded by risk capital, and socially-focused organizations were supported by philanthropy. The profit-oriented were rarely allowed to let a social mission intrude, and the socially-oriented were discouraged from building sustainable businesses. But a new breed of entrepreneurs - and a new mentality of those who fund them - is changing the landscape of business, investing and philanthropy.

At SoCap08, attendees will learn what works and what doesn't in this new world of social capital and social entrepreneurs, which hybrid social & business models reach sustainability and which don't, and where this emerging industry is headed. Attendees will be able to network with their peers, discovering a whole new realm of people they had hoped existed - organizations, groups, and individuals who share the same intention to launch and support sustainable businesses designed to impact global and local problems. Investors and entrepreneurs will find themselves helping to build a new community, gaining encouragement as they realize that they are not alone, but are part of something big, important - and rapidly growing.

At an ordinary event, the content on the panels and keynotes reflects the conversation in the halls. At a good event, the content on the panels and keynotes guides the conversation in the halls, helping it go further, focusing the passion of the participants on the key challenges and opportunities in front of them. At a great event, the conversation in the halls becomes the content on the panels and the main stage, the network connections become the narrative for the commons - and a new industry will begin to form. SoCap08 will be that kind of event.

Official Website: http://www.socialcapitalmarkets.net/

Added by raines on August 20, 2008



This promises to be an incredible 3 days. The organizers have brought together an incredible group of leaders and influencers from both the entrepreneurial and investing side of the conversation. Looking forward to the discovery, dialogue and discourse that will happen at the conference and beyond. Cheers.


Yoono will be there.