310 Washington Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02108

Ford Hall Forum presents Sister Helen Prejean and "The Death of Innocents: An Eyewitness Account of Wrongful Execution." Tuesday, September 12, at 6:30 pm. Followed by an open discussion, moderated by Joseph Savage, and book signing. Admission is free and open to all. Old South Meeting House, 310 Washington Street (corner of Milk St.), Boston, MA. Wheelchair accessible and conveniently located near the State St. and Downtown Crossing stops on the MBTA. For more information call Ford Hall Forum 617-373-5800 or visit www.fordhallforum.org.

Should any state have the power to execute? Is the death penalty appropriate retribution for particularly heinous murders? Does it deter crime? Or does it fundamentally violate human rights? Author and activist Sister Helen Prejean has been instrumental in sparking the national dialogue around these questions, largely due to her best selling book, Dead Man Walking, which portrays her experiences as a spiritual advisor to death row inmates. Sister Helen’s Dead Man Walking spawned the Oscar-winning movie of the same title, featuring Susan Sarandon as Sister Helen and Sean Penn as a death row inmate.

More information available at: http://boston.zebratickets.com/event/event_3538.php

Official Website: http://boston.zebratickets.com/event/event_3538.php

Added by zebratickets on August 20, 2006