301 West Loop 121
Belton, Texas 76513

COMPETITION: 225 pedigreed cats will compete for awards given by 6 distinguished judges from the Cat Fanciers’ Association, Inc. (CFA). Each judge’s ring is a separate show with its own winners. The judges hail from Arizona, Louisiana, California, and Texas and will evaluate entries coming from all over the United States and Canada.

Breeds such as Abyssinians, American Shorthairs, Balinese, Birmans, Burmese, Chartreux, Maine Coon Cats, Persians, American Wirehairs, British Shorthairs, Cornish and Devon Rex, Egyptian Maus, Japanese Bobtails, Siamese, Tonkinese, Sphynx Cats (hairless cat) and the curly-haired Selkirk Rex are expected to compete for ribbons and rosettes. The top ten finalists in each category (kittens, championship cats and premiership cats) will earn points towards titles of Grand Champion, Grand Premier and Regional and National Awards. CFA presently recognizes 45 pedigreed breeds for showing in the Championship Class. Go to www.cfa.org for more info on CFA Cat Shows!

Cats are the most popular pet in the United States… and come visit the show to hear our judges and exhibitors tell you why!

SHOPPING: A Mini Kitty Shopping Mall for All Your Kitty Shopping Needs - a variety of cat toys, treats, beds, tee-shirts, climbing posts, cat furniture, premium cat foods, combs, brushes, and even shampoos will be available for purchase from several vendors. Some exhibitors may have pedigreed cats and kittens for sale.

Official Website: http://beltonchamber.com

Added by vwgirl1961 on December 11, 2008

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