125 E Houston St.
San Antonio, Texas 98205

Business Owners and non-technical management personnel, this talk is for you!

Join us for Community Night, SANS San Antonio 2010. This is an evening of networking combined with an informative presentation by Lance Spitzner, an internationally recognized leader in the field of security awareness and cyber threat research. Come and mingle with other members of your local business community and SANS faculty, world-class Instructors and expert security practitioner followed by a riveting presentation on “Securing the Human,” a unique and cutting edge approach – designed for business personnel and management - to enhancing security in your workplace.

The weakest link in any organization is the Human whose ‘operating system’ is at least ten years behind all other OS security capabilities. This one hour talk is geared toward management personnel responsible for overall business performance. “Securing the Human” addresses everything your organization needs to secure the humans that are attached to your organization.

Organizations have traditionally invested most of their security in technology, with little effort in protecting their employees. As a result, many attackers today target the weakest link, the human. Awareness, not just technology, has become key to reducing risk and remaining compliant

Official Website: http://www.sans.org/info/66268

Added by Liz Estabrooks on October 26, 2010

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