Wallisellenstrasse 48
Zürich, Zürich 8050

Scrum Geek Night with Jeff Sutherland

At the Scrum Geek Night, Jeff Sutherland will answer your questions and discuss practical problems. After the talk you have the possibility to mingle with others.

Jeff Sutherland is one of the founders of Scrum and an experienced Scrum consultant to the world’s leading companies. His references include leading software and technology companies such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, MySpace, Adobe, Siemens, Sony/Ericson and Accenture.

Jeff is running a Certified Scrum Master Course in Zürich on 16/17 September 2010 for people on how to radically improve the productivity and quality in development teams (http://trifork.ch/2010/09/16/certified-scrummaster-training-with-jeff-sutherland/).

Language: English
Place: Holiday Inn Zürich Messe
Date & Time: 16 September 2010 at 18.00
Price: Free
Max seats: 50 (first come – first served)
Registration: Please send name and company address to [email protected]

Link: http://trifork.ch/2010/09/16/scrum-geek-night-3/

Added by sectrifork on August 30, 2010

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