700 State Dr
Los Angeles, California 90037

Eyewitness testimony is at the foundation of our judicial system. In criminal cases that lack physical evidence eyewitness testimony is often essential to securing convictions. But how accurate is it? While supporters contend that when properly used eyewitness testimony remains a dependable and indispensible judicial tool, this viewpoint is not universal. In 2007 legislation was introduced in California seeking to limit the use of eyewitness testimony based on studies that indicate eyewitness error occurs in half of all wrongful convictions.

What is the science of perception and memory that lie at the core of eyewitness testimony? Is the practice scientifically sound or inherently flawed? What are the consequences of various policy decisions?

Featured speakers will present the science behind eyewitness testimony, how we form memories, and how our perceptions influence how we remember. In this light, a panel of experts representing different viewpoints will discuss the science and policy implications of this current issue at the forefront of public concern.

Official Website: http://www.californiasciencecenter.org/GenInfo/NewsAndEvents/SpecialPrograms/ScienceMatters/EyeWitness/EyeWitness.php

Added by CaliforniaScienceCenter on March 20, 2009